Frequently Asked Questions

When is Twin Cities DrupalCamp?

Twin Cities DrupalCamp will be held on September 12th and 13th, 2024.

Where is Twin Cities DrupalCamp?

The conference takes place at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN.  All the sessions will be held in Coffman Memorial Union

What are your COVID-19 policies?

Please see our COVID 19 policies page

Will there be coffee, lunch, food?

Yes! We'll have catered coffee each morning. Lunch is included both days. 

What is a DrupalCamp?

DrupalCamps are community sharing + training events for Drupal enthusiasts and newbies alike. Twin Cities DrupalCamp is an attendee-driven, completely volunteer initiative. Most of the content will Drupal-specific, but there will also be presentations related to more general web technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, and PHP.

Why is the event a Camp?

Twin Cities DrupalCamp is called a “camp” to emphasize the unconference style of the event. Unconferences are more casual than most conferences and are usually organized and attended by members of a local community. The name originates from BarCamp, a popular community-driven unconference. Please do not bring your tent :)

What's the goal of Twin Cities DrupalCamp?

Our mission and purpose behind organizing a Twin Cities DrupalCamp is as follows:

  1. Learn and educate about Drupal and web development in general
  2. Provide networking opportunities for all of us

Do you have a Code of Conduct policy?

Yes! Please see our code of conduct page.

Who can I speak with about my accessibility needs?

Our camp takes accessibility very seriously, and we will take great efforts to accommodate everyone. Please contact us and we'll do our best to assist with any accessibility needs.

How much does Twin Cities DrupalCamp cost?

Early-bird pricing starts at $150. It includes access to sessions, lunch, snacks, parties and contribution day. No one will be turned away because of financial hardship. 

How many attendees are you expecting?

Last year we had 125 attendees. We're expecting closer to 150 this year.

Will I receive any tickets in the mail?

No, everything is handled online through

We’ll send you a few emails leading up to the conference, but that’s it. Then when you sign in at Twin Cities DrupalCamp, all you need to do is provide your registration information.

Can I pay with check/cash?

Preferably not, but maybe? Use the contact form if you have more questions.  

Is Twin Cities DrupalCamp an event friendly to newbies?

Absolutely! One of our main camp goals is outreach and education.  We will have some sessions focused on topics for those who are just familiarizing themselves with Drupal.

Can I be a sponsor of Twin Cities DrupalCamp?

Yes! Check out "Become a Sponsor" on the Sponsors page for full details.

Anyone can become an Individual Sponsor for an additional $100 to their ticket price.

What if I signed up, but now have a conflict?

We can provide partial refunds for cancellations.  We will refund your ticket price minus the processing cost of your order.  Use the contact form to request a refund.  

How can I help?

We are glad you asked – we need a lot of volunteer assistance! Please contact us and we will get in touch with you.