
Twin Cities Drupal Camp is a volunteer-run conference, and we couldn't do it without the contributions of our team and board. Big thanks to this year's team, listed below. If you want to help out, we're always looking for volunteers! Just reach out and we'll chat.

Board Members

  • Dan Moriarty, President
  • Jer Davis, Vice President
  • Chris Weber, Secretary
  • Phoenix Heller, Treasurer

Committee Leads

  • Blaine Cross, Marketing
  • Wilbur Ince, Website and Sponsor Team
  • Dan Moriarty, Venue
  • Jer Davis, Social Events
  • Chris Weber, Project Manager
  • Phoenix Heller, Budget
  • Joe Shindelar, Conference Program

Additional Volunteers

  • Jen Brueske
  • Eva Young
  • Patrick Anderson
  • Matthew Tift
  • Tim Erickson