Introducing Lightning Talks

Published Date
Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 - 11:00 am

We've added a fun new event to our conference this year – Lightning Talks!

Some of you may be familiar with the concept, but we'll explain it here, as well as how we're planning to do it. (Note that this an in-person event for registered attendees only.)

What are Lightning Talks

A lightning talk is a very short presentation lasting only a few minutes. Each speaker gets a maximum of 5 minutes to present on a topic of your choice. You will have access to the projector for slides.

Because these are very short and fast presentations (thus the "lightning" part), it's meant to be brief, snappy, and fun. We'll rotate quickly between speakers to keep things moving and entertaining. 

These are not the same as the 45 minute sessions held during the rest of Camp. Speakers will need to focus on a single message or just a few quick key points.

Speakers can talk about serious and technical topics, or they can do something lighthearted and silly too. This is always a fun event! 

When Will They Be Held?

We're going to hold the lightning talks between 3-4pm on the first day of Camp (Thu, Sep 12), in the West Wing (the big room). Right before happy hour!

How Can I Participate?

We've made a form to gather signups ahead of time. We'll only have time for 10-12 presenters, so we may not be able to include every submission. Sign up today!

Submit a Lightning Talk!

Do I Have to Participate?

Talk of group presentations may be triggering for some people, but don't worry! No one is required to participate. Having you in the audience is all we ask.

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