Become a Sponsor

Fast Facts

Event Dates: September 12-13, 2024

University of Minnesota, Coffman Union
300 Washington Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455 

Estimated Attendance: Last year's camp hosted 125 techies with a strong interest in Drupal and a skill level ranging from newbies to seasoned professionals.

Program Plan:

  • Thursday - full-day 4-5 tracks of sessions
  • Friday - full-day 4-5 tracks of sessions

Registration fee: $150 early-bird, $200 normal
(These are suggested prices, no one is turned away for financial hardship)

The 12th annual Twin Cities DrupalCamp is back in-person! The 2024 event will continue to build on the successes of previous events, which have drawn hundreds of attendees each year from across Minnesota, the US and the world.

Contact Us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor.

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum - $2,500

  • Logo placement on every page of the Twin Cities DrupalCamp website
  • Your company's logo featured in camp announcements and conference introductions
  • Table in exhibition area (30”x72”).
  • Exposure on social media accounts
  • Exposure in any press releases
  • Unlimited job postings
  • Camp admission for 5 people
  • Limited to 5 sponsors

Sign up as a Platinum Sponsor!

Gold - $1,500

  • Logo placement on the sponsors page of the Twin Cities DrupalCamp website
  • Your company's logo featured in camp announcements and conference introductions
  • Exposure on social media accounts
  • Exposure in any press releases
  • Camp admission for 2 people
  • 5 job postings

Sign up as a Gold Sponsor!

Silver - $750

  • Logo placement on the sponsors page of the Twin Cities DrupalCamp website
  • Your company's logo featured in conference introductions
  • Exposure on social media accounts
  • Camp admission for 1 person
  • 3 job postings

Sign up as a Silver Sponsor!

Bronze - $350

  • Logo placement on the sponsors page of the Twin Cities DrupalCamp website
  • Exposure on social media accounts
  • 1 job posting

Sign up as a Bronze Sponsor!

Individual - $100

  • Add an Individual Sponsorship.  (You'll need to also purchase a ticket to attend camp)
  • Your name on the individual sponsors page on the Twin Cities DrupalCamp website
  • Your name on a shared slide during one of the featured sessions
  • Love and goodwill

Get an Individual Sponsorship!