Universal CMS: The next generation of content management systems

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At its core, content is about people.

Despite what sometimes overzealous JavaScript developers and architectural purists say, the content management system remains unique as a nexus of collaboration between disparate content and technical personas, all with their own prerogatives and goals—and for most, headless CMSs aren't the right choice.

The fact is that the CMS has stood alone in its ecological niche in the software world, bringing together people across the back office to work together to push the end user experience forward. Neither headless and composable CMSs, with their focus on developers, and hybrid-headless and monolithic CMSs, with their focus on editors, have an entirely clear answer for what the CMS's future holds.

That's where the Universal CMS comes in.

The Universal CMS paradigm restores the grand compromise that characterized the static web CMS era, with its excellent stories for developers and content editors as first-class citizens. The CMS of the future is universally editable, universally developable, and universally deployable, irrespective of the presentation layer—whether that means Vue.js or Vision Pro, Next.js or native mobile, Amazon Alexa or Angular, WebXR or WebAssembly.

Let's build the Universal CMS that honors the people at the center of all content. Are you in?

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