Getting Started with Visual Regression Testing with BackstopJS

Session Category Development & Performance Room West Wing Audience Beginner Time Slot Fri 11:00am to 11:45am (9/13/24)

Visual Regression Testing (VRT) is a powerful tool that can transform your development process - for the better! But how do you get started?

My commitment to you - I will get every attendee running VRT with BackstopJS by October 1st!  Here's how:

  • Attend this session to get a full understanding of how VRT works with BackstopJS and how you can use it to get results. 
  • Attend my unconference session on Friday Afternoon, for a hands-on session to get BackstopJS running on your local machine.
  • Attend VRT Office Hours that I will host in September (TBD) to resolve issues and tweak your install.
  • YOU can do this!

This session will give you the tools to get started with VRT:

  • Introductions
  • Guarantee!
  • What is VRT and BackstopJS 
  • Installation 
  • Configuration - Backstop Config Elements
  • Testing Methods
  • Introducing Backstop Generator module! - Tool to build your Test Config!
  • Questions and Answers
  • Followup

This session is for beginners and people new to VRT, but be warned - you WILL touch the COMMAND LINE.  This is the first step to making friends with the command line - your silent shiny blinking friend!  

This might be the easiest Development and Performance at this year's camp, and the most effective!

About the Speaker