The Wonderful World of Workspaces

Session Category Site-Building Room West Wing Audience All Attendees Time Slot Thu 1:00pm to 1:45pm (9/12/24)

Workspaces fills a longstanding gap in the Drupal core content management lifecycle for site managers needing to create, review, approve, and publish groups of content simultaneously. With Drupal 11, we now (finally!) have a way to easily stage multiple content changes for your site and publish them all together, when ready. 

This session is geared toward Drupal content managers, site builders, and site administrators who want to learn more about this new functionality in Drupal 11. The session will cover:

  • General overview of Workspaces and common use cases that it addresses
  • Explore multiple approaches to leveraging Workspaces for content management
  • Review how Workspaces fits into content management workflows
  • Discuss current limitations of Workspaces and potential workarounds

About the Speaker

Scott Weston

Senior Director, Drupal Engineering at Bounteous Accolite

Kansas City, MO