Accepted Sessions

Automated Regression Testing

Session Category Development & Performance Room Room B/C Audience Beginner Speaker(s) chamil amarakoon Devin Kendall

At UMN we are running large multi-site instances that share a codebase. Many customers downstream of us build with the design system we develop and others create custom-developed solutions that build upon our components.

To continually deliver quality work while avoiding regressions for our customers, we implemented both visual regression tests using BackstopJS and end-to-end functional tests with Cypress. This allows us to develop enhancements to our features and catch issues without relying on the slow manual testing process. We also made our tooling available to our customers to use with their custom solutions.

We would like to share this process and talk about the benefits of automated regression testing.

Thank you!

Getting Started with Visual Regression Testing with BackstopJS

Session Category Development & Performance Room West Wing Audience Beginner Speaker(s) Wilbur Ince

Visual Regression Testing (VRT) is a powerful tool that can transform your development process - for the better! But how do you get started?

My commitment to you - I will get every attendee running VRT with BackstopJS by October 1st!  Here's how:

  • Attend this session to get a full understanding of how VRT works with BackstopJS and how you can use it to get results. 
  • Attend my unconference session on Friday Afternoon, for a hands-on session to get BackstopJS running on your local machine.
  • Attend VRT Office Hours that I will host in September (TBD) to resolve issues and tweak your install.
  • YOU can do this!

This session will give you the tools to get started with VRT:

  • Introductions
  • Guarantee!
  • What is VRT and BackstopJS 
  • Installation 
  • Configuration - Backstop Config Elements
  • Testing Methods
  • Introducing Backstop Generator module! - Tool to build your Test Config!
  • Questions and Answers
  • Followup

This session is for beginners and people new to VRT, but be warned - you WILL touch the COMMAND LINE.  This is the first step to making friends with the command line - your silent shiny blinking friend!  

This might be the easiest Development and Performance at this year's camp, and the most effective!

How Your Website Handles Secure Data

Session Category Development & Performance Room Room A Audience All Attendees Speaker(s) Dan Ficker

Every day, visitors send and receive data from your web site. We know it is secure if the web developers are using industry standard practices, but how does it work?

On modern websites, pretty much every bit of communication between a visitor and each website is encrypted for the security of the site owners and visitors. And when you use a password to log in to a Drupal site, the site doesn’t know your password; they only store an encrypted version of the password. In this session, we will explain in not-too-technical language how these technologies work. We will also talk about other things Drupal does to provide security like salting hashes, login form limiting, etc.

After this session, you will understand the basics of how data on websites is secured and why it is smart to use standard practices for best security. We will also talk about resources for improving security further on your site, if desired.

Maximizing Visual Studio Code with DDEV for Drupal developers

Session Category Development & Performance Room Room B/C Audience All Attendees Speaker(s) Michael Anello

A modern Drupal development environment enables the developer to work at peak efficiency to create sustainable code that meets modern coding standards and is bug-free (hopefully!) By leveraging a modern IDE like Visual Studio Code, along with a recommended set of extensions and configuring, one can put themselves in a position to succeed. 

This session will demonstrate how to set up Visual Studio Code to work with DDEV and a number of code quality tools to maximize a developer's efficiency. This includes integrating phpcs, phpcbf, PhpStan, and PHPUnit with Visual Studio Code's interface as well as making it easy to run PHPUnit tests directly from the Visual Studio Code interface. Furthermore, guidance will be provided on how to configure Xdebug with Visual Studio Code.

Attendees of this session will leave with the knowledge necessary to configure their copy of Visual Studio Code as will be demonstrated in the session. 

Principles of Configuration Management

Session Category Development & Performance Room West Wing Audience Advanced Speaker(s) Matthew Tift

Do you understand how Drupal's configuration system is supposed to work? Do you ever experience inconsistencies between environments? Are you interested in building a best-practice continuous integration and deployment solution with configuration validation? This session, led by a 10-year maintainer of Drupal's configuration system, will focus on how the configuration management system is designed to work, explore its integration with continuous integration systems, identify common configuration pitfalls, and discuss how initiatives like Recipes will enhance the robustness of your site's configuration.